Friday, July 07, 2006

Plunderer's Take On The Lieberman/Lamont Debate

My first impression was that Lieberman won this hands down and that Lamont should have fought back harder when Lieberman kept making false accusations. However, if you consider the experience Lieberman has in these things, he should have done far better.

My two favorite parts:

1. When Lamont told Lieberman to stop cutting him off because this "isn't FOX news."

2. When Lamont made the counter statement that as a member of the town council he got republicans to vote with him 80% of the time. Adding the disclaimer that they were only debating pot-holes and traffic signs and not Iraq was icing on the cake.

I honestly wish there could be more than one debate. Lamont started off shaky, but started getting better towards the end. I think he'd do a much better job a second time around.

Also, I should add that I watched the debate again later last night and my initial impression changed.

I now think that Ned came across as a passionate unseasoned outsider, while Lieberman was ugly, mean, and vomited self-entitlement all over the place.

Ned Wins, in my opinion.

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