Sunday, May 22, 2005

No Tin Foil Hat Needed, Snopes To The Rescue (Still, Avoid The Kool-Aide)

quote[Recall that when the first airliner was flown into a World Trade Center tower on September 11 — before it was known that the "accident" was really part of a deliberate terrorist attack — newscasters were speculating that a small plane had accidentally flown into the side of the tower, because the visible exterior damage didn't seem as extensive as what people thought a large airliner would cause. Even though the two airplanes flown into the World Trade Center towers were travelling faster at the time of impact than the Pentagon plane was (400 MPH vs. 350 MPH), hit aluminum-and-glass buildings rather than reinforced concrete walls, and didn't dissipate much of their energy striking the ground first (as the Pentagon plane did), they still barely penetrated all the way through the WTC towers.]

In case you missed it, this is in reponse to an earlier post. I have to thank Sheri for pointing out what I should've done ( I thought of it, but then got lazy).

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