Thursday, May 26, 2005


quote[The American public has now had 4 years of what is loosely called “Bush Leadership.” According to most polls, about half of the nation thinks G.W.Bush is some kind of heroic or even saintly figure, and the other half thinks he is a shallow smirking strutting popinjay who is determined to destroy the democracy he found intact when he was given the Presidency by the Supreme Court.

Many people have charged that he has a firm propensity to misinform, deceive or even maliciously lie in order to gain some corporate goal advantage. Other people believe he talks to his God and therefore would not ever lie.

Perhaps asking some rhetorical questions might clarify the issue of whether Bush deliberately lies, makes simple but good-hearted mistakes, and is an innocent person who is deceived by bad people, or follows advice from his God.]

This contains a pretty good list.

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