Thursday, September 24, 2009

Glenn Back Analogy Fail

Conservative commentator Glenn Beck was trying to illustrate a point on his TV show yesterday, but it really didn’t work out — for his point or for the poor little prop.

That’s what it looked like anyway. But the whole thing really is confusing. We concur with the LA Times’ Andy Malcolm — “we’re not sure we fully understand” his stunt.

Beck likened the conservative uproar to Obama’s initiatives to frogs who are thrown into boiling water. The experience is so shocking that the frogs jump out. It’s too much, too fast, he says. And the frogs (conservatives) ain’t takin’ it.

If the water was cooler, he says, and it gradually heats up to a boil, the frogs would be toast because they wouldn’t know what’s going on.

So we get the analogy. It doesn’t quite work, but we know where he’s going.


The problem is, his experiment appeared to fail.

Beck had a pot of boiling water on his stage as well as a container of cute, little, jumpy frogs. He appeared to grab an unlucky one to begin the lesson.

“Barack Obama has galvanized the country because of the sheer size of the bills he has proposed and the number of bills and the urgency that he’s placing on the bill,” he said.

“He has forced us to think and get involved,” he continued. “We have not, like John McCain, been boiled slowly. We have been tossed quickly into boiling water… and what happens when you throw them in, when you throw them in, frogs into boiling water?”

Like Julia Child flicking in some paprika onto a delightful omelette, Beck tossed the little frog into the water.

Ooooops \

Maybe he should have used a better prop...LOL!

P.S. At least it doesn't appear to have been a real frog.

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