Sunday, August 31, 2008

Did Sarah Palin Actually Give Birth To Down’s Syndrome Baby?

Yesterday, with the news of Sarah Louise Heath Palin inexplicably being chosen as a Vice-Presidential nominee, the attentive American public was also introduced to her character. Unfortunately for all of us, it was filled with multiple instances of backtracking and outright lies. While Alaskans had been giving her an 80% approval rating, recently 87% of Alaskans polled on the subject of TrooperGate believed she was lying.

Now, I've known liars in my life. Their single core problem is not with themselves, but those around them. If they're never called out on their twisting of truths and fabrications, they simply continue to make larger lies.

Well, Sarah, I'm calling you a liar. And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better.


Did McCain pick this woman by throwing darts at a map???

Jodi Rell, LIEberman, or Romney all would have been formidable in some way.

This pick is laughable...

P.S. I'm now back from vacation!

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