Thursday, July 19, 2007

Six Reasons To Impeach Bush

On Thursday's edition of the Ed Schultz Show, fill-in host Norman Goldman outlined the six most basic reasons why Bush should be impeached.

Here they are:

1) Warrantless Wiretaps.

This is an obvious violation of the fourth amendment which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures.

2) Extraordinary Renditions And Torture.

Examples include: Guantanamo Bay/Jose Padilla (violations of fifth-due process- and sixth amendments-rights related to criminal prosecutions in federal courts). Abu Ghraib (violations of the eigth amendment-prohibits cruel and unusual punishment).

3) Lying to Congress And The American People Into Supporting War With Iraq.

4) Obstruction Of Justice.

Ordering witnesses to defy congressional subpoenas. Issuing edicts.

5) Signing Statements.

This is equivalent to a line-item veto, which the supreme court has already ruled to be unconstitutional.

6) Public Corruption.

Where isn't there waste and corruption in this administration? No bid contracts. Billions of dollars lost or squandered in Iraq. Katrina (I added this one).

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