Monday, March 21, 2005

A Free Living Will

Giving what we have seen with the Schiavo case, I felt it would be a good time for folks to create a living will.

Now, I must say that I agree with the attempts to keep her [Schiavo] alive (it is what I would want), but I am not sure as to her [Schiavo's] own thoughts when she was capable of them. This is why it is so important to prevent yourself (or your corpse, if you see it that way) from being a political pawn between the repug's and dem's.

Honestly, though I find it unconscionable to starve and dehydrate this woman, I think the neocons are trying to use her as a strangely sickening example of religious hypocrisity to muster, fool, and concentrate their neoconservative base even further.

It is worth mentioning though, that despite the neocon attempts, Bush signed into law as Governor of TX a bill that gave hospitals the authority to pull the plug from similar type patients (after a ten-day appeal reprieve). THEY ARE A BUNCH OF FUCKING HIPPOCRITES!!

Aside from this, your own beliefs and thoughts are what are important. This is why it is important to document them as early and often as possible; don't ever let yourself (or body) become a pawn for political maneuvering.

Personally, I've got my form filled out and awaiting two friends signatures. But, I still think I'm going to see an attorney to make absolutely sure things are as I WANT them.

I suggest you do the same...

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