Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sophistication? Manners?

Someone suggested that some radio hosts (like Rhandi Rhodes and Mike Malloy) are too abrasive to ever be taken seriously. In fact, it was stated that, "despite the fact Limbaugh is a shill for the Repubs, he at least mocks liberals with an air of sophistication, especially when compared to Rhodes and Malloy."

Here was my response:

Sure, manners and sophistication:

Limbaugh has called abortion rights activists "feminazis", told an African-American caller to "take that bone out of your nose," referred to prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib as "blow[ing] some steam off, " and declared that "what's good for Al Qaeda is good for the Democratic Party."

Limbaugh asserted that Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq who staged an anti-war protest outside President Bush's ranch in Texas, "is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing more than forged documents."

Limbaugh has also spread numerous rumors and conspiracy theories about the Clinton family, alleging that Hillary Rodham Clinton was involved in the 1993 suicide of deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster and peddling gay-baiting sexual innuendo about Clinton.

Rush Limbaugh has stated, "The more the left talks about Libby's alleged perjury, the more you have to ask did Joseph Wilson commit treason."

Limbaugh has lied about democrats. For example, he has said, "Clinton was offered [Osama] bin Laden two or three times, turned him down. Turned down Sudan. Sudan offered it. So Clinton wasn't serious about it [terrorism]." A total fabrication.

He attacked democrats before the 2004 convention. Some quotes:
"[T]he Democrats have found their keynote speaker for their convention: Saddam Hussein."

"It makes you wonder who hates Bush more, Saddam or the Democrats."

"let me ask you liberals out there: Did that image of Saddam in a sport coat and an open collar just melt your heart?"

"We killed his [Saddam's] sons. We took his country. We put him in jail. He is still calmer and more rational than Howard Dean after he lost Iowa. He's calmer and more rational than Gore after he lost his mind. He's calmer and more rational than George Soros is."

Sopistication? Manners?

I think not.

(Thanks to MediaMatters for the quotes!!!)

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