Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Those Damned Talking Heads

Okay, so I just spent about an hour flipping between the major cable news channels (with at least twenty minutes devoted to Faux news-you know the crew, Insanity and Colmes, Gretta Van Something) and all I heard about was the following:

1) The BTK killer and how horrible a person he is (like I didn't already know).

2) The minuteman project (Insanity was camping there on-site); as if I hadn't already heard enough of the right wing innacuracies on this subject.

3) Again with the Aruba girl. Folks, and I hate to be so insensitive here, this is old news. Besides, I've been to Aruba and it is a very small island. If they haven't found her by now, then trust me, she's shark food. At least give airtime to the thousands of other American children that go missing each year.

So, what is new, you might ask? Why am I pissed off enough to rant? The answer is simple.

Cindy Sheehan.

Tonight, in my small state (CT), thousands of people came out at candlelight vigils (in every corner of the state) in support of this brave woman and her cause (ending our emperialistic war of aggression). I'd be highly, no, extremely surprised if this wasn't similar across the board and across the nation.

So why isn't it being played on the mainstream media? Why are they so scared of stories that are negative to the Bush whitehouse?

Thinking back to the Downing street memos, the editor of the Hartford Courant (the oldest surviving newspaper in this country) expressed puzzlement to me as to why that story was being negated, even in the opinion pages. Yet, when I offered a piece to her, I was summarily ignored and cut off from future communications.

Why is the media afraid of providing the real stories, of providing the important news? Why are they afraid to be critical of our administration?

To be sure, this certainly is not what our founding fathers had in mind when they came up with the idea of a free press.

Is anybody listening? Does anyone really care?


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